Selected Works and Publication History
Writer and Artist: Chase me! Episode 1. 2023, Kickstarter.
Contributing Writer and Artist: Destiny, NY. 2023, Black Mask Studios.
Artist: Unreleased Avicii Comic. 2022, Z2 Comics.
Artist: Barenbaum, Rachel. Atomic Anna. 2022, Grand Central Publishing.
Writer and Artist: Rescue Mission on Jupiter. 2021, Personal Work for Platform Comics.
Writer and Artist: Pand[emi]c Sketch. 2021, Kickstarter.
Artist: Let's Vote, Big Apple! 2020, LinkNYC x NYC Votes.
Artist: Clermont State Historic Site Mural. 2020, NYS Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation.
Writer and Artist: Marshmallow Horns Volume 2. 2020, Kickstarter.
Artist and Editor: Sick. 2019, School of Visual Arts Illustration as Visual Storytelling Residency.
Alternative Cover Art: Mathy, Todd. Robots Versus Princesses. 2019, Dynamite.
Merchandise Design: Shand, Pat. Little Girl. 2019, Devil’s Due Entertainment.
Writer and Artist: Marshmallow Horns Volume 1. 2018, Kickstarter.
Writer and Artist: Anarchy Dreamers Volume 2. 2018, Kickstarter.
Artist: Anarchy Dreamers 2018 Calendar. 12 new illustrations. 2017, Kickstarter.
Artist: Votes for Women Life Size Exhibition Decals. 2017, New York State Museum.
Writer and Artist: Votes for Women Original Comic Series. 2017, New York State Museum.
Contributing Writer and Artist: Shand, Pat. Destiny, NY, Volume 2. 2017, Space Between Entertainment.
Writer and Artist: Anarchy Dreamers Volume 1. 2017, Kickstarter.
Contributing Writer and Artist: Dirty Diamonds Anthology #7, Imagination. 2016, Dirty Diamonds.
Writer and Artist: The Curse of Janet Livingston. 2015, NYS Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation.
Writer and Artist: Punchy’s Sweet Life. 2015, NYS Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation.
Writer and Artist: Koji Takahashi [stops the world] 2010-2013, DrunkDuck.com.
Raised $49,000 on Kickstarter — 2024
Crowdfunded $49,000 to fund the printing of original graphic novels and art book.
40 Under Forty — 2022
Selected as a part of Columbia County's 40 Under Forty for providing art lessons at low or no cost in Columbia County, NY.
Piece Collected by New York State Museum — 2020
Let's Vote, Big Apple! collected by the New York State Museum, Albany, NY.
Guest of Kickstarter, Flame Con, New York, NY — 2018
Museum Association of New York Merit Award for Innovation in Collections Access, MANY Conference, Rochester, NY — 2018
For educational comic series, Votes for Women Original Comic Series, commissioned by the New York State Museum to accompany “Votes for Women” Exhibit.
DiNKY award for Best Anthology, DiNK Expo, Denver, CO — 2017
For comic The Ghost of Emily Livingston, included in Dirty Diamonds Anthology #7: Imagination.
Drunk Duck Reader’s Choice Awards, www.theduck.com — 2011
For comic Koji Takahashi [stops the world]
Winner— Best Fantasy Comic
Finalist— Best Manga Style Comic, Best Background Art, Best Plot Development, Best Use of Color.
Selected Media Appearances and Conventions
"Featured Artist--Emily Ree," Mukul, Nitin. Epicenter NYC, 13 Jul 2023.
“Emily Ree, 9 campañas de cómic en Kickstarter,” Vanacco, Youtube, 28 Mar 2019.
“Comic Kick: Interview with Emily Ree,” Comic Kick, KOUG Radio, 11 Feb 2019.
“Riiser Interviews Emily Ree (Anarchy Dreamers,)” WebcomicRelief, Youtube, 13 May 2018.
“Keep Calm and Slay Nightmares in ANARCHY DREAMERS,” Macoto, Jennyfer. Comicsverse, 15, Apr 2018
“Emily Ree” Best in Western Talent Showcase, Neo Magazine UK, 1 Jan 2018.
New York Comic Con, C2E2, MoCCA Fest, Small Press Expo, Otakon, Salt Lake City Comic Con, Anime NYC, Diversity Comic Con, Women in Comics Con, Philly Zine Fest, Pete’s Mini Zine Fest, No Such Con, Electric City Comic Con, Anime Boston, Anime Next.
Public Speaking Events
Comics, Diversity, and McCarthyism.
Virtual Lecture. Clermont State Historic Site, Germantown, NY. 20 Feb 2021
History Comics Club: Connecting Students to Their Heritage One Panel at a Time.
New York Comic Con. NYPL, New York. 4 Oct 2018.
How’s The Comic Life Treating You?
No Such Con, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY. 23 Feb 2018.
History Comics Club: Connecting Students to Their Heritage One Panel at a Time.
2017 GHHN Conference. Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY. 12 Oct 2017.
History Comics Club: Connecting Students to Their Heritage One Panel at a Time.
Teaching The Hudson Valley Conference 2017. FDR Presidential Library, Hyde Park, NY. 25 Jul 2017.
Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, NY
BFA in Fine Arts, minor in Art History.
-Magna Cum Laude
-Dean's List
School of Visual Arts, New York, NY
Continuing Education.
-Courses in Cartooning and Figure Drawing
School of Visual Arts, New York, NY
Illustration and Visual Storytelling Residency.
-Organized Residency-wide zine, “Sick”